Decals Assortment REF 160-100-00 1 assortment
Orthodontic acrylics
For placing in orthodontic appliances. For polymerizing into
Orthocryl® acrylic, allowing removable orthodontic appliances
to be fabricated to suit individual patient preferences.
Assortment consists of 20 individual designs
20 pieces each = 400 pieces, plus tweezers.
20 x crocodile REF 160-100-01
20 x frog REF 160-100-02
20 x parrot REF 160-100-04
20 x ladybug REF 160-100-05
20 x dragon REF 160-100-06
20 x fish REF 160-100-07
20 x Formula 1 (Indy racecar) REF 160-100-09
20 x elephant REF 160-100-10
20 x heart REF 160-100-11
20 x duck REF 160-100-12
20 x dinosaur REF 160-100-13
20 x motorcycle REF 160-100-14
20 x snail REF 160-100-15
20 x teddybear REF 160-100-16
20 x mushrooms REF 160-100-18
20 x car REF 160-100-19
20 x raven REF 160-100-27
20 x devil REF 160-100-29
20 x soccer player REF 160-100-31
20 x mouse REF 160-100-45
Decal Football
Sheet with two different sizes of design
For placing in orthodontic appliances. For polymerizing into Orthocryl® acrylic, allowing removable orthodontic
appliances to be fabricated to suit individual patient preferences.
Motif REF Quantity
Football 160-100-39 1 sheet =
20 pieces
Decal Beaver
For placing in orthodontic appliances. For polymerizing into Orthocryl® acrylic, allowing removable orthodontic
appliances to be fabricated to suit individual patient preferences.
Motif REF Quantity
Beaver 160-100-40 1 sheet =
20 pieces
Decals Black Edition
For placing in orthodontic appliances. For polymerizing into Orthocryl® acrylic, allowing removable orthodontic
appliances to be fabricated to suit individual patient preferences.
Motif REF Quantity
Black Edition 160-100-41 1 sheet =
12 motifs