Veneering ceramics
Titanium ceramic –
Bonder B
Powder bonder
• produces an optimal bond strength between the titanium framework and ceramic
Liquid: Powder BOL Liquid
Shade code REF (20 g) REF (40 g)
B 251-550-20 251-550-40
Paste Bonder PB
Paste bonder
• produces an optimal bond strength between the titanium framework and ceramic
• direct use
• easy, uncomplicated application
Liquid: Paste Liquid
Shade code REF (3 g) REF (6 g)
PB 251-551-03 251-551-06
Opaque O
Opaque powder
• minimal layer thickness
• good and dense coverage of the metal substructure
Liquid: Powder BOL Liquid
Shade code REF (20 g) REF (40 g)
O A1 251-001-20 251-001-40
O A2 251-002-20 251-002-40
O A3 251-003-20 251-003-40
O A3,5 251-004-20 251-004-40
O A4 251-005-20 251-005-40
O B1 251-006-20 251-006-40
O B2 251-007-20 251-007-40
O B3 251-008-20 251-008-40
O B4 251-009-20 251-009-40
O C1 251-010-20 251-010-40
O C2 251-011-20 251-011-40
O C3 251-012-20 251-012-40
O C4 251-013-20 251-013-40
O D2 251-014-20 251-014-40
O D3 251-015-20 251-015-40
O D4 251-016-20 251-016-40