Veneering ceramics
Metal ceramic –
Base Dentin BD
• has a higher opacity than Dentin
• diffusing effect
• three-dimensional depth effect (after finishing)
• support of the actual tooth shade (even if there is unfavorable space availability)
• increases reflection from deep in the ceramic
Liquid: Me Standard Modelling Liquid, Modelling Liquid, Modelling Liquid +
Shade code REF (20 g) REF (40 g)
BD A1 252-021-20 252-021-40
BD A2 252-022-20 252-022-40
BD A3 252-023-20 252-023-40
BD A3,5 252-024-20 252-024-40
BD A4 252-025-20 252-025-40
BD B1 252-026-20 252-026-40
BD B2 252-027-20 252-027-40
BD B3 252-028-20 252-028-40
BD B4 252-029-20 252-029-40
BD C1 252-030-20 252-030-40
BD C2 252-031-20 252-031-40
BD C3 252-032-20 252-032-40
BD C4 252-033-20 252-033-40
BD D2 252-034-20 252-034-40
BD D3 252-035-20 252-035-40
BD D4 252-036-20 252-036-40
Base Dentin Modifier BDM
Effect material with increased opacity
• produces depth of shade
• controls the brightness value
• reproduction of natural effects in the dentin, proximal and mamelon regions
Liquid: Me Standard Modelling Liquid, Modelling Liquid, Modelling Liquid +
Shade code REF Quantity
BDM salmon 252-101-20 20 g
BDM caramel 252-102-20 20 g
BDM ochre 252-103-20 20 g
BDM ivory 252-104-20 20 g
BDM lemon 252-105-20 20 g
BDM vanilla 252-106-20 20 g
BDM brown 252-107-20 20 g
Base Dentin Modifier BDM
salmon caramel ochre ivory lemon vanilla brown