CAD/CAM materials
Zirconium oxide blanks
ceraMotion® Z White
ø 98.3 mm
High-performance zirconium oxide for all restorations in the anterior and posterior area, multi-element restorations
and stable implant substructures. Suitable for all open CAD/CAM systems.
Advantages and indications:
• safety due to high strength
• stump and abutment can be covered due to reduced translucency
• suitable for shading
• excellent machinability
• translucency 39 % (non-shaded, 1 mm)
• optimum finishing/veneering with ceraMotion® Zr
Recommended sintering temperature: 1530 °C / 2786 °F
Norm: DIN EN ISO 6872
Thickness Color REF Quantity
14 mm white 272-098-14 1 piece
18 mm white 272-098-18 1 piece
22 mm white 272-098-22 1 piece
25 mm white 272-098-25 1 piece
Technical data
Material ZrO2 3Y-TZP-A
Bending strength 1200 MPa
Density > 6.06 g/cm³
Radioactivity < 0.02 Bq/g
Solubility < 10 μg/cm2
CTE 10.5 x 10-6 K-1
The values listed were measured on test samples and are typical for
the material. The product properties may, however, deviate from these
values depending on the component design and the forming process.