Burs and cutters
Hard metal bur
Application: all alloys, very good with titanium (low pressing force)
Maximum speed: 15000 min-1
ISO Number Size Form REF Quantity
500. mini conical, domed end 123-610-00 5 pieces
500. midi conical, domed end 123-611-00 1 piece
500. maxi bud, rounded, slender 123-612-00 1 piece
500. maxi plus conical, domed end 123-613-00 1 piece
Super hard metal bur
with cross toothing cut, coarse
• high precision milled
• best cutting properties
Application: plaster, acrylics
Recommended speed: 15000–20000 min-1
Maximum speed: 30000 min-1
ISO Number Form REF Quantity
500. bud, rounded, slender 180-308-00 1 piece
Super hard metal bur
with cross toothing cut, coarse
• high precision milled
• best cutting properties
Application: plaster, acrylics
Recommended speed: 20000–25000 min-1
Maximum speed: 30000 min-1
ISO Number Form REF Quantity
500. pear 123-594-00 1 piece
500. conical, domed end 123-596-00 1 piece