Burs and cutters
Super hard metal bur and cutter
with cross toothing cut, coarse
• high precision milled
• best cutting properties
Application: acrylics, cast partial denture
Recommended speed: 20000–25000 min-1
Maximum speed: 50000 min-1
ISO Number Form REF Quantity
500. cylindrical, only side cutting 123-580-00 1 piece
500. cylindrical, domed end 123-581-00 1 piece
500. torpedo, cylindrical 123-582-00 1 piece
500. spherical (round), ø 2.1 mm 123-583-00 1 piece
500. bullet 123-584-00 1 piece
500. conical, domed end 123-585-00 1 piece
Super hard metal bur
with cross toothing cut, fine
Application: crowns and bridges, cast partial denture
Recommended speed: 25000–30000 min-1
Maximum speed: 50000 min-1
ISO Number Form REF Quantity
500. cylindrical, only side cutting 123-586-00 1 piece
500. torpedo, cylindrical 123-588-00 1 piece
500. bullet 123-590-00 1 piece
500. conical, domed end 123-591-00 1 piece