Maximum security.
It is of fundamental importance for a modern implant
system that its safety is convincingly proven and documented
in both theory and practice through recognized
methods. The tioLogic® implant’s outer geometry was
developed in cooperation with Bonn University. Their
comprehensive FEM analyses1,2 prove the above-average
results for peak strain and distortion levels. The areas
thread design, thread geometry and implant form were
examined separately.
Perfect aesthetics.
Implant-borne restorations are increasingly preferred to
removable or tooth substance-challenging restorations,
also in view of improved aesthetics. In this respect, it is
important that implants and superstructures provide
aesthetically perfect and long-term safe solutions. The
design of the inner connection of the tioLogic® implants
prevents bone collapse and ensures excellent compound
stability. The inner geometry was developed using FEM
analyses3 and its stability has been proven by long-term
durability tests according to ISO4 at the Fraunhofer
Easy handling.
To work economically with a modern implant system, it
is imperative that all components are easy, safe and
When designing the tioLogic® implant system, some
important aspects regarding the handling were realized:
color-coding for quick visualization, laser marking(s), an
optional integrated depth stop and simple-to-use
packaging. The unique S -M - L system provides
prosthetics with convincing practice and laboratory-
related customization possibilities and clarity.
1 A. Rahimi, F. Heinemann, A. Jäger, C. Bourauel: Biomechanische
Untersuchungen des Einflusses von Geometrievarianten des
tioLogic® Implantats Biomechanical analyses of the influence of
tioLogic® implant geometry variations; University of Bonn 2014.
2 Literature survey – Studies and publications Dentaurum Implants, REF
989-767-10, 2011.
3 F. O. Kumala: Analyse des tioLogic® Implantats mittels FEM (Analysis
of the tioLogic® implant using FEM); CADFEM Stuttgart 2006.
4 R. Schäfer, R. Jaeger, D. Ulrich, U. Köster: Bestimmung der
Ermüdungsfestigkeit eines Dentalimplantats
(Determination of the
fatigue strength of a dental implant); Fraunhofer Institut Werkstoffmechanik
Freiburg, Germany, 2006.
DIN EN ISO 14801: 2003, Ermüdungsprüfung für enossale dentale
Implantate (Fatigue test for endosseous dental implants), DIN –
Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization),
Berlin, Germany.
A convincing concept.
State of the art.