Are you looking for an enriching weekend to advance your orthodontic expertise? Make sure to attend the annual tomas® TAD Conference by Dentaurum. It is known as a leading event, focusing on orthodontic temporary anchorage devices.
This two-day conference on September 26th and 27th offers a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge of TADs, collaborate with fellow orthodontic professionals, and enjoy the exceptional amenities of the Four Seasons Las Vegas.
26.09.2025 - 27.09.2025
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Dr. med. dent. Sebastian
Baumgaertel, D.M.D., M.S.D., FRCD (C)
Fachzahnarzt für Kieferorthopädie in den USA, Kanada und Deutschland |
Lehrauftrag als Assistant Clinical Professor an der Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, USA |
Direktor der Klinik für skelettale Verankerung
Über 60 wissenschaftliche Vorträge. Autor mehrer wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und Mitherausgeber und Co-Autor des Lehrbuches "Mini-Implants in Orthodontics - Innovative Anchorage Concepts" |
Mitglied des AJODO Editorial Review Board |
Kieferorthopädische Fachpraxis in Cleveland, USA |