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Clinical Applications of Miniscrews in Orthodontics

Objetivo del curso

Orthodontics in practice shown by Dr. Fady, Ass. Professor at Cairo University, with special hands-on sessions - now offered for participants from Europe. Learn from the skills of renowned Dr. Fady - lecturer for Dentaurum worldwide -, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh UK/PhD in Orthodontics, showing his experience live.

Contenido del curso

Lectures part:

  • tomas® pins - not just a pin, it's a system
  • How to be more successful with tomas® pin insertion?
  • Digital miniscrew insertion guides using OnyxCeph software
  • Antero-posterior space closure mechanics with miniscrews
  • Vertical correction mechanics with miniscrews
  • Maxillary molars distalization/ mesialization using amda®
  • Transverse correction using hybrid hyrax® (MARPE=Mini-screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion): pin-first / pin-last approach


Content of practice:

  • tomas® insertion in bone blocks
  • Palatal tomas® insertion using contra-angle on typodont
  • Molar tomas®-uprighting spring
  • Bonding L-shaped wire from cross head tomas® pin to palatal surface of maxillary first molar (indirect anchorage)
  • Placing impression caps on tomas® pins
  • Opening and closing the amda® spring (not adapting the full amda®)

Now is your chance to meet this renowned speaker live in person and visit the Dentaurum Center of Dental Communikation in Ispringen, Germany.

Grupo destinatario


Duración del curso

Dec. 5th: 09:00am - 05:00pm CEST

Dec. 6th: 08:30am - 04:30pm CEST


Fecha Lugar Idioma Ponente Precio Belegung  
CDC, Ispringen,
Dr. Hussein Fahim Fady

Dr. Hussein Fahim Fady

Lecturer at

Orthodontic Department Cairo University and in front of the American Association of Orthodontists (2014), Fellow of World Federation of Orthodontists. European Orthodontic Society annual meeting (EOS 2012), AEEDC in Dubai (2017) and Pakistan Association of Orthodontics 2017, Director of M Orth RCSEd UK training program at Perla Dental Training Centre Egypt, Clinical Consultant of Dentaurum.


500 €
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Available products:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • prime4me® Model printing
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R

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Plataforma de pedido:

Productos disponibles:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • Impresión de modelos prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R



Plateforme de commande

Produits disponibles :

  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R