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ceraMotion® One Touch

ceraMotion® One Touch -
the micro-layering original

Watch trailer Overview Ceramics

ceraMotion® One Touch -
 the first veneering ceramic in paste form



my first ceramic in paste


ceraMotion® One Touch is the first veneering ceramic in paste form.
The 2D and 3D pastes have been specially developed for the quick and aesthetic finish of all-ceramic restorations made of lithium disilicate and zirconium oxide.

Product overview ceraMotion® One Touch


Paste 2D Modifier

The particle size of the 2D pastes is ideally suited to deliver a homogeneous and natural finish to the surface.

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Paste 2D Incisal

The translucency of the 2D pastes maintains the light dynamics.

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Paste 2D Body

Simple and precise adaptation of the desired tooth shade (VITA classical®* A-D, VITA 3D-Master®* and individual shades).

*VITA classical® and VITA 3D-Master® are registered trademarks of VITA

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Paste Glaze

Colorless glazes in transpa and bright.

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Paste 3D Incisal

ncisal pastes for layering with natural in-depth effect.

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Paste 3D Opal

Natural opalescence.

Shade-coordinated 3D paste with an opalescent effect for individualization.

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Paste 3D Dentin

Thanks to the combination of larger ceramic particles with a thixotropic paste it is possible to create an individual morphology in the dentin and incisal area.

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Paste 3D Gingival

For a perfect copy of nature.

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Product overview

Paste 3D Incisal

Paste 3D Incisal opal bright
very bright incisal (bleach)

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Paste 3D lumin
bright incisal for bright shades

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Paste 3D Incisal 2
medium incisal for medium shades

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Paste 3D Incisal 3
dark incisal for dark shades

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Paste 3D Incisal transpa
Increasing translucency

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Paste 2D Body

Paste 2D Body A
Body paste for Vita classical®* A shades

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Paste 2D Body B
Body paste for Vita classical®* B shades

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Paste 2D Body C
Body paste for Vita classical®* C shades

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Paste 2D Body D
Body paste for Vita classical®* D shades

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Paste 2D Body R
Body paste to shift the shade toward red (Vita 3D-Master®*)

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Paste 2D Body L
Body paste to shift the shade toward yellowish (Vita 3D-Master®*)

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Paste 2D Body R+
Body paste to shift the shade toward reddish (dark) (Vita 3D-Master®*)

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Paste 2D Body orange
Body paste to shift the shade toward yellowish (dark) (Vita 3D-Master®*)

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Paste 2D Glaze

Paste Glaze Bright
bright, fluorescent glaze

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Paste Glaze
fluorescent glaze

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For a perfect copy of nature.

Gingival pastes

Paste 3D Gingival 1
bright pink

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Paste 3D Gingival 2
bright pink / orange

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Paste 3D Gingival 3
medium pink

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Paste 3D Gingival 4
dark pink / red

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Paste 3D Gingival white
Individualizing 3D Gingival 1 - 4 / Modifier

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Paste 3D Gingival transpa
Individualizing – Increasing translucency

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Paste 3D Gingival Modifier
dark red, slightly opaque

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Morphology in the dentin and incisal area

Paste 3D Dentin

Paste 3D Dentin bleach
for bleach shades

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Paste 3D Dentin light (bright)
for bright shades

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Paste 3D Dentin medium
for medium shades

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Paste 3D Dentin dark
for dark shades

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Natural opalescence.

Paste 3D Opal

Paste 3D opal grey
 Modifier – grey opalescent

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Paste 3D opal honey
Modifier – orange opalescent

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Paste 3D opal blue
Modifier – blue opalescent

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Paste 3D neutral
reduces the intensity of opal pastes

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Paste 2D Incisal

Paste 2D Incisal I2
Incisal for medium shades

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Paste 2D Incisal I3
Incisal for dark shades

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Homogeneous and natural finish to the surface

Paste 2D Modifier

Paste 2D honey
Characterization orange

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Paste 2D white
Characterization white

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Paste 2D grey
Characterization grey

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Paste 2D blue
Characterization blue

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Paste 2D violet
Characterization violet

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The Advantages.



Smart. What you see is what you get.

Fast. All in one firing.

Aesthetic. Natural translucency, opalescence and fluorescence.


The complete ceraMotion® One Touch system.

The ceraMotion® One Touch sets include single materials as well as special liquids and accessories.


The aesthetic finish for monolithic all-ceramic restorations.

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The aesthetic finish for all-ceramic restorations. (Complementary set)

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Quick and easy finish of pink aesthetics. (Complementary set)

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The aesthetic finish for monolithic all-ceramic restorations.

ceraMotion® One Touch are 2D and 3D pastes that have been specially developed for the finish and characterization of all-ceramic monolithic restorations made of lithium disilicate and zirconia.

  • Fast and easy handling thanks to ready-mixed ceramic pastes.
  • Set specially assorted for the easy production of aesthetic, fully anatomical restorations.
  • Maximum aesthetics thanks to color-coordinated pastes with 3D effect.
  • Small changes in shape and the adding of contact points are possible.
  • More information:



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The aesthetic finish for all-ceramic restorations.

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ceraMotion® One Touch No Limits is the first ceramic in paste for Build up with “No Limits”:


✓ No Limits handling.

✓ No Limits in thickness.

✓ No Limits shading.

✓ No Limits mixing.

ceraMotion® One Touch No Limits is a complementary set of ceraMotion® One Touch and ceraMotion® One Touch Pink. ceraMotion® One Touch No Limits contains ready to use color-coordinated 2D and 3D pastes specially developed to go a step further in the aesthetic of allceramic restorations and recreate in-depth effects of the natural teeth.

✓ Ready to use.

✓ Fluorescent.

✓ Easy. Fast. Aesthetics.

The new 3D pastes are the first dentins in paste which enlarge the possibility regarding the layering of all-ceramic restorations thanks to the thixotropic effect, the new shades and translucency, retaining the dynamic light.

All the ceraMotion® One Touch 3D and 2D pastes liquids and ceraMotion® Stains Universal are fully mixable to create your own range of shades.

Quick and easy finish of pink aesthetics.

ceraMotion® One Touch Pink are specially developed 3D pastes for the aesthetic finalization and characterization of the gingiva-colored parts of ceramic restorations, made of lithium disilicate and zirconium oxide.

✓ Fast and easy handling thanks to ready-mixed ceramic pastes.

✓ Set specially assorted for the individual design of pink aesthetics.

✓ Maximum aesthetics thanks to color-coordinated pastes with 3D effect.

✓ ceraMotion® One Touch Pink pastes are NOT fluorescent, just like natural gingiva.

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Book a LIVE DEMO now.

Book an appointment for a free
LIVE DEMO and learn about the advantages of ceraMotion®!

Nothing beats your own personal impression. Use the contact form to arrange for your personal ceraMotion® expert to come into your company.


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LIVE DEMO now. >>

ceraMotion® Tutorials

Our comprehensive collection of coordinated and standalone video tutorials is ready for you. Regardless of whether you are new to this field or already have experience with ceraMotion One Touch - you will find the right tutorial with us:

Tutorial: ceraMotion® Zr Paste Glaze

How to glaze monolithic Zirconia and Lithium Disilicate

Discover how you can cover and homogeneously glaze monolithic lithium disilicate and zirconium oxide works in just one firing.

Intelligent finishing of a monolithic molar with ceraMotion One Touch 2D pastes

PG + 2D effects

Are you interested in how you can quickly and effectively finish a monolithic molar, e.g. made of zirconium oxide, using just a few pastes? In this case, I recommend you watch the tutorial for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to do it.

ceraMotion® One Touch

Only one firing: ceraMotion® One Touch 3D pastes

Is it really feasible to achieve aesthetic results in just one firing? Our tutorial reveals the method of using the ceraMotion® One Touch 3D pastes to achieve natural aesthetics with the first firing.

ceraMotion® One Touch

How to use ceraMotion® One Touch Pink

Red aesthetics for the micro layering technique? Yes, you can with the pink 3D pastes from ceraMotion® One Touch.


ceraMotion® One Touch
Tutorial zirconia all-ceramic implant bridge

ceraMotion® One Touch
My first ceramic in paste.

ceraMotion® One Touch
Tutorial 3D Pastes

ceraMotion® One Touch
Tutorial Bridge

ceraMotion® One Touch
Tutorial implant bridge

ceraMotion® One Touch
Handling Tips

IDS 2019 | Gabriele Voegele | ceraMotion® One Touch: Easy, Fast, Aesthetic

ceraMotion® OneTouch No Limits
The First Layered Ceramics in Pastes | IDS 2019

ceraMotion® One Touch Pink
Red White Aesthetics I IDS 2019

ceraMotion® One Touch: Easy. Fast. Esthetic. | Dominik Mäder | IDS 2019

The Possibilities of the ceraMotion® OneTouch 2D & 3D Pastes | IDS 2019

ceraMotion® LiSi
Lithium Disilicate in 3D-Master Colors | IDS 2019

ceraMotion® LiSi auf der IDS 2019: Anterior Veneers

ceraMotion® LiSi auf der IDS 2019: Adjusting the brightness

Simple and aesthetic finalization with ceraMotion® I IDS 2019

Courses & Events


Title / Description Date Location Speaker Language

Finition avec les pâtes ceraMotion® One Touch

Dans ce webinaire, vous découvrirez les avantages de ceraMotion® One Touch / No Limits et Pink.

- Présentation des pâtes de finition
- Gamme de produits
- Applications potentielles en théorie et en pratique

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Watch recording


Lauf (bei Nürnberg),


 DT François Hartmann - Dentaurum Prosthetics

DT François Hartmann - Dentaurum Prosthetics

Professional history

High school graduation

1986 – 1991

Vocational education as dental technician, occupation in a commercial laboratory

since 1991

Employee at Dentaurum as dental technician in an application laboratory for prosthetic dentistry.

Field of activity

Dental lectures and seminars in Germany and international.




Excl. VAT

- Lauf (bei Nürnberg)
 DT François Hartmann - Dentaurum Prosthetics

DT François Hartmann - Dentaurum Prosthetics

Professional history

High school graduation

1986 – 1991

Vocational education as dental technician, occupation in a commercial laboratory

since 1991

Employee at Dentaurum as dental technician in an application laboratory for prosthetic dentistry.

Field of activity

Dental lectures and seminars in Germany and international.

French Watch recording

Magic in a Jar - with ceraMotion®

Watch recording


Lauf (bei Nürnberg),


Terry Whitty

Terry Whitty

Professional history

Dental technician, dental technology consultant

Since 1988

Owner and founder of FABDENT dental laboratory and supply company

FABDENT specialises in high tech manufacturing using the latest advances in intra- and extra-oral scanning, CAD/CAM, milling, grinding and 3D printing, covering most specialties including orthodontics, fixed and removable prosthetics, computerised implant planning and guidance, TMD, sleep appliances and paediatrics.

Author of over 150 internationally published articles.

Field of activity

Regular international lectures on a variety of dental technology and material science subjects.




Excl. VAT

- Lauf (bei Nürnberg)
Terry Whitty

Terry Whitty

Professional history

Dental technician, dental technology consultant

Since 1988

Owner and founder of FABDENT dental laboratory and supply company

FABDENT specialises in high tech manufacturing using the latest advances in intra- and extra-oral scanning, CAD/CAM, milling, grinding and 3D printing, covering most specialties including orthodontics, fixed and removable prosthetics, computerised implant planning and guidance, TMD, sleep appliances and paediatrics.

Author of over 150 internationally published articles.

Field of activity

Regular international lectures on a variety of dental technology and material science subjects.

English Watch recording

More Ceramic Courses, Events, LIVE Webinars and Webinars On Demand: Overview & registration.


Ceramic solutions – made by Dentaurum.

Under the successful umbrella brand ceraMotion®, Dentaurum Ceramics produces more than 1500 products in
compliance with the highest quality standards.

These include products from all areas for modern all-ceramic restorations - from the framework material to the glaze.

Monolithic, cut-back, partially or fully veneered

The manufacturing method depends on the patient case to be treated. Whatever the technology, ceraMotion® has the right answer for all methods.

Paste Ceramics

Lithium Disilicate

Veneering Ceramics

Zirconium Oxide

More information

Product information and more...

All downloads on ceraMotion® One Touch,
ceraMotion® One Touch No Limits and ceraMotion® One Touch Pink
you can find on our download center.

Dentaurum. Quality. Worldwide. Unique.



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Order platform

Available products:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • prime4me® Model printing
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R

A la tienda en línea

Plataforma de pedido:

Productos disponibles:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • Impresión de modelos prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R



Plateforme de commande

Produits disponibles :

  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R