ceraMotion® Me

Veneering ceramic for metal frameworks (CTE 13.9 - 15.1).

ceraMotion® Me is the veneering ceramic for all conventional non-precious alloys with a CTE value between 13.9 and 15.1 • 10-6 K-1 (25–500 °C / 77–932 °F) It is suitable both for color and shape corrections with the press and press-on ceramic ceraMotion® P+PMe.

  • Highest bond strength, particularly with non-precious alloys.
  • Shortest firing times since there is no need for long-term cooling also for non-precious alloys.
  • Bonder and fine paste opaque in one product.
  • Flexural strength: 95 MPa.
  • Simplest build-up technique.
  • Natural aesthetics due to special masses for opalescence, fluorescence and translucency.

ceraMotion® Zr

Veneering ceramic for zirconium oxide and lithium disilicate frameworks.

ceraMotion® Zr is the veneering ceramic for the framework material zirconium oxide. It is also suitable for lithium disilicate or for color and shape corrections with the press-on ceramic ceraMotion® PZr.

  • Highest bond strength, particularly with non-precious alloys.
  • Shortest firing times since there is no need for long-term cooling also for non-precious alloys.
  • Bonder and fine paste opaque in one product.
  • Flexural strength: 95 MPa.
  • Simplest build-up technique.
  • Natural aesthetics due to special masses for opalescence, fluorescence and translucency.

ceraMotion® Ti

Veneering ceramic for titanium and titanium alloys.

ceraMotion® Ti is the veneering ceramic for the framework material titanium and titanium alloys. Titanium and titanium alloys have a very low coefficient of thermal expansion from 9.6 to 10.3 • 10-6 K-1 (25–500 °C / 77–932 °F) and a strong affinity to oxygen so they require a special ceramic material that is optimally coordinated with these properties.

  • Optimum bond strength thanks to special bonder (42 Mpa).
  • Developed on the basis of Triceram® ceramic with proven long-term reliability.
  • Excellent flexural strength: 115 MPa (dentin).
  • Simple build-up technique.
  • Natural aesthetics due to special masses for opalescence, fluorescence and translucency.

ceraMotion® Lf

Low-fusing veneering ceramic for alloys with a high CTE value (WAK 15.9 - 17.0).

ceraMotion® Lf is a low-fusing veneering ceramic for alloys with a high CTE value between 15.9 und 17.0 • 10-6 K-1 (25–500 °C / 77–932 °F). Suitable alloys can be found in the field of precious steels, e.g. DentAurum LFC or in the field of non-precious steels, e.g. remanium® LFC.

  • No discolorations due to special opaque paste.
  • High flexural strength: 115 MPa.
  • Easy build-up technique and high level of firmness.
  • No danger of warping due to low firing temperature.

Dentaurum. Quality. Worldwide. Unique.


Order platform

Available products:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • prime4me® Model printing
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R

A la tienda en línea

Plataforma de pedido:

Productos disponibles:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • Impresión de modelos prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R



Plateforme de commande

Produits disponibles :

  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R