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tomas® anchorage system

temporary orthodontic micro anchorage system (tomas).

Watch trailer Overview Orthodontics


Quick and easy to fit.

The tomas® system has a solution for nearly all indications. With a set of instruments and accessories especially designed for tomas®, we created a complete system, leaving nothing to be desired.

Flexible System.

By integrating the new tomas®-pin EP (Elastic Palatal) and a selection of abutments for direct and indirect coupling into the tomas® system, we have extended the range of indications, taking all the requirements of a modern system into consideration.

High quality standards.

Standout features of the tomas® system are the high quality manufacturing standards and the practical orientation of the product portfolio.

The tomas® anchorage system is compatible with both pin versions. With the tomas®-auxiliaries and the new tomas®-abutments, it offers many individual components to make different appliances for direct and indirect coupling.

tomas®-RPE eyelet

Skeletal anchoring according to the Pin-Last© concept.

The tomas®-RPE eyelet makes the fabrication of the skeletally anchored hybrid GNE or MARPE (Mini screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion) und and the insertion of the tomas®-pin even easier. Pin-Last concept means : planning the optimal pin position, fabricating and fitting the RPE appliance. Then, guided insertion of tomas®-pin through tomas®-RPE eyelet.

Characteristics tomas®-RPE eyelet.

  • Suitable for all types of skeletally anchored RPE appliances.
  • Free insertion of tomas®-pin EP in anatomically and biomechanically favorable position.
  • Applying the Pin-Last concept.
  • Fitting the RPE appliance and the tomas®-pin in one appointment.
  • tomas®-RPE eyelet is both an insertion template and a connector in one.
  • The RPE appliance is fixated to the palate by means of the tomas®-pin via the tomas®-RPE eyelet.
  • Secure coupling between tomas®-pin and appliance.
  • The ideal addition to the range of indications of Dentaurum RPE screws.
  • Another application option for the universal tomas®-pin.
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  • Skelettale und dento-alveoläre Verankerung.
    (5 Anwendungsbeispiele)

  • Anwendung für MARPE.

  • Anwendung für Hybrid-GNE.

tomas® PI

The palatal implant

The tomas® PI (Palatal Implant) is used to create a temporary reliable anchorage option for orthodontic treatment. The tomas® PI has a self-cutting thread with a blasted and etched surface. The tomas® PI-abutment multiple set (REF 303-400-00) serves as a sealing cap for the implant during the healing phase and is included in the sterile packaging.

This abutment and other tomas® PI abutments are later used to couple the tomas® PI with the orthodontic appliance.

6 reasons for tomas® PI

  • Delivery in sterile blister packaging, including healing cap.
  • Success in a few steps.
    • 2 drill sequences and the self-tapping threads facilitate implantation.
    • The tulip-shaped neck in combination with the convex healing cap reduces gingiva overgrowth.
  • Machine cleaning and disinfection of the fully loaded instrument holder for efficient work processes.
  • Universal abutment serves as closure cap during healing phase and as coupling element for the appliance during treatment phase.
    •  Additional abutments for direct and indirect coupling available.
  • Digital and analog workflow possible.
  • Easy explantation using the tools available in the tomas® PI-tool set.
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  • Sterile blister packaging, including healing cap.

  • Success in a few steps.

  • Machine cleaning and disinfection.

  • Universal abutment serves as closure cap during healing phase and as coupling element for the appliance during treatment phase.

  • Digital and analog workflow possible.

  • Easy explantation.

Easy to start

Just a few steps

Brief overview: ways of inserting a mini implant.


(Measuring the mucosal thickness).


Selecting the screw.
Selecting the length and head design.


Perforation of the gingiva.
Punching out or perforation using the screw.


Bone preparation.
Perforation of the cortical bone or insertion without pre-drilling.


With or without torque control (mechanically or manually).


Quick and safe

The two film sequences about the tomas®-pin EP and the tomas®-pin SD show how quickly and easily the pins can be inserted. The pins have a self-drilling thread, making pre-drilling unnecessary. Depending on the bone density, it may be necessary to perforate the cortical bone. After only half a turn, the pin tip penetrates the bone without the need for excessive force.


tomas®-pin SD Insertion

tomas®-pin EP Insertion



Title / Description Date Location Speaker Language

tomas® TAD course, London

The course will culminate in practical implementation of the learned subject matter in clinically realistic hands-on exercises taught by Dr. Baumgaertel on anatomically correct typodonts, including the placement of multiple tomas®-pins and installation of the biomechanics to treat four clinically relevant indications.
Course outcomes:

At the end of this course participants will be able to

  • understand proper mini implant design
  • identify the best insertion sites for different situations
  • place mini implants with high success rates
  • load mini implants successfully
  • minimize side effects
  • treat a wide variety of indications using orthodontic mini implants

Further information

10.05.2025 - 10.05.2025

London, GB,


Dr. med. dent. Sebastian  Baumgaertel, D.M.D., M.S.D., FRCD (C)

Dr. med. dent. Sebastian Baumgaertel, D.M.D., M.S.D., FRCD (C)

Professional history

Fachzahnarzt für Kieferorthopädie in den USA, Kanada und Deutschland

Lehrauftrag als Assistant Clinical Professor an der Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, USA

Direktor der Klinik für skelettale Verankerung


Über 60 wissenschaftliche Vorträge. Autor mehrer wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und Mitherausgeber und Co-Autor des Lehrbuches "Mini-Implants in Orthodontics - Innovative Anchorage Concepts"

Mitglied des AJODO Editorial Review Board

Kieferorthopädische Fachpraxis in Cleveland, USA

Field of activity



Excl. VAT

10.05.2025 - 10.05.2025 London, GB
Dr. med. dent. Sebastian  Baumgaertel, D.M.D., M.S.D., FRCD (C)

Dr. med. dent. Sebastian Baumgaertel, D.M.D., M.S.D., FRCD (C)

Professional history

Fachzahnarzt für Kieferorthopädie in den USA, Kanada und Deutschland

Lehrauftrag als Assistant Clinical Professor an der Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, USA

Direktor der Klinik für skelettale Verankerung


Über 60 wissenschaftliche Vorträge. Autor mehrer wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und Mitherausgeber und Co-Autor des Lehrbuches "Mini-Implants in Orthodontics - Innovative Anchorage Concepts"

Mitglied des AJODO Editorial Review Board

Kieferorthopädische Fachpraxis in Cleveland, USA

Field of activity
English Further information


Are you looking for an enriching weekend to advance your orthodontic expertise? Make sure to attend the annual tomas® TAD Conference by Dentaurum. It is known as a leading event, focusing on orthodontic temporary anchorage devices.

This two-day conference on September 26th and 27th offers a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge of TADs, collaborate with fellow orthodontic professionals, and enjoy the exceptional amenities of the Four Seasons Las Vegas.

Further information

26.09.2025 - 27.09.2025

Las Vegas, NV, USA


Dr. med. dent. Sebastian  Baumgaertel, D.M.D., M.S.D., FRCD (C)

Dr. med. dent. Sebastian Baumgaertel, D.M.D., M.S.D., FRCD (C)

Professional history

Fachzahnarzt für Kieferorthopädie in den USA, Kanada und Deutschland

Lehrauftrag als Assistant Clinical Professor an der Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, USA

Direktor der Klinik für skelettale Verankerung


Über 60 wissenschaftliche Vorträge. Autor mehrer wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und Mitherausgeber und Co-Autor des Lehrbuches "Mini-Implants in Orthodontics - Innovative Anchorage Concepts"

Mitglied des AJODO Editorial Review Board

Kieferorthopädische Fachpraxis in Cleveland, USA

Field of activity
Dr. Joseph S. Petrey

Dr. Joseph S. Petrey

Professional history
Field of activity


Excl. VAT

26.09.2025 - 27.09.2025 Las Vegas, NV
Dr. med. dent. Sebastian  Baumgaertel, D.M.D., M.S.D., FRCD (C)

Dr. med. dent. Sebastian Baumgaertel, D.M.D., M.S.D., FRCD (C)

Professional history

Fachzahnarzt für Kieferorthopädie in den USA, Kanada und Deutschland

Lehrauftrag als Assistant Clinical Professor an der Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, USA

Direktor der Klinik für skelettale Verankerung


Über 60 wissenschaftliche Vorträge. Autor mehrer wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und Mitherausgeber und Co-Autor des Lehrbuches "Mini-Implants in Orthodontics - Innovative Anchorage Concepts"

Mitglied des AJODO Editorial Review Board

Kieferorthopädische Fachpraxis in Cleveland, USA

Field of activity
Dr. Joseph S. Petrey

Dr. Joseph S. Petrey

Professional history
Field of activity
English Further information

Clinical applications of miniscrews in orthodontics


  • company tour at Dentaurum headquarter in Ispringen, Germany

Lectures part:

  • tomas® pins - not just a pin, it's a system
  • How to be more successful with tomas® pin insertion?
  • Antero-posterior space closure mechanics with miniscrews
  • Vertical correction mechanics with miniscrews
  • Maxillary molars distalization/ mesialization using amda®
  • Transverse correction using hybrid hyrax® (MARPE=Mini-screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion): pin-first / pin-last approach

Content of practice:

  • tomas® insertion in bone blocks
  • Palatal tomas® insertion using contra-angle on typodont
  • Molar tomas®-uprighting spring
  • Bonding L-shaped wire from cross head tomas® pin to palatal surface of maxillary first molar (indirect anchorage)
  • Placing impression caps on tomas® pins
  • Opening and closing the amda® spring (not adapting the full amda®)

Now is your chance to have a look behind the scenes at a company tour at Dentaurum in Ispringen, Germany and to meet this renowned speaker live in person.

Information & registration

10.10.2025 - 11.10.2025

CDC, Ispringen, Deutschland



Excl. VAT

10.10.2025 - 11.10.2025 CDC, Ispringen
English Information & registration

Minischrauben in der Kieferorthopädie

  • Aufklärung: "Wie sage ich es dem Patienten?" - Rhetorische Kniffe und Fallen
  • Röntgendiagnostik
  • Anästhesie: Verschiedene Anästhesie-techniken/Biofeedback
  • Insertion: Insertionsorte und Risiken - Vermeiden von Wurzelverletzungen
  • Mechaniken: Distalisierung/Lückenschluss/Molarenaufrichtung
  • Fallbeispiele
  • Praktische Übungen am Typodonten:
    Insertionsübung am Spezialtypodonten - Anbringen von Mechaniken
  • Organisation: Hygiene, Versicherung, Dokumentation, Abrechnung

Information & registration

28.11.2025 - 28.11.2025

Herne, Deutschland


Dr. med. dent. Thomas Ziebura

Dr. med. dent. Thomas Ziebura

Professional history

zahnärztliche Approbation an der Universität Münster

seit 2005

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Poliklinik für Kieferorthopädie in Münster




Fachzahnarzt für Kieferorthopädie


Oberarzt an der Poliklinik für Kieferorthopädie in Münster


zertifiziertes Mitglied des German Board of Orthodontics

diverse Vorträge im Auftrag der Zahnärtzekammer Westfalen-Lippe

Co-Referent im Skills Lab Pro Lingual Orthodontics unter Leitung von Prof. Hohoff

Field of activity

Vortragsreihe zu orthodontischen Minischrauben



Excl. VAT

28.11.2025 - 28.11.2025 Herne
Dr. med. dent. Thomas Ziebura

Dr. med. dent. Thomas Ziebura

Professional history

zahnärztliche Approbation an der Universität Münster

seit 2005

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Poliklinik für Kieferorthopädie in Münster




Fachzahnarzt für Kieferorthopädie


Oberarzt an der Poliklinik für Kieferorthopädie in Münster


zertifiziertes Mitglied des German Board of Orthodontics

diverse Vorträge im Auftrag der Zahnärtzekammer Westfalen-Lippe

Co-Referent im Skills Lab Pro Lingual Orthodontics unter Leitung von Prof. Hohoff

Field of activity

Vortragsreihe zu orthodontischen Minischrauben

German Information & registration


Further Information


You will find all downloads about tomas® in our download center.

  • Reliable, precise, complete.

    "Everything I need."

  • Inserting the tomas®-pins is very simple!

    "I do it myself in my dental practice."

  • Easy to handle and safe to use.

    "That convinces me and my team!"

  • Treatment with the tomas® system is very comfortable.

    "For me and for my patients."

Dentaurum. Quality. Worldwide. Unique.



To the online shop

Order platform

Available products:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • prime4me® Model printing
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R

A la tienda en línea

Plataforma de pedido:

Productos disponibles:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • Impresión de modelos prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R



Plateforme de commande

Produits disponibles :

  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R