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The companies within the Dentaurum Group cannot influence the content of other websites with links that refer to the Dentaurum Group website.  The DENTAURUM Group therefore takes no ownership of these websites and accepts no liability for their content.

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It should be noted that, in exceptional cases, a product advertised on this website may not be available in your country or mandatory legal provisions (such as product approval regulations) may not allow the export of a product to your country. Please contact the responsible Dentaurum branch or your Dentaurum representative to find out if a product you would like is available in your country.

Supporting documents for video sequences:

All sources:
Authors/copyright: endrille, fortunatas, Lemonlord, olivier le moal, puckillustrations, WavebreakmediaMicro, Jürgeen Fälchle, janez volmajer, celal bulus, goodman_ekim, richard finch, wavebreakpremium, CLIPAREA, aleksandar nakovski, lexaarts, image Source, HappyRojo, alex83ch, Pavel Losevsky, Blend Images, Yuri Arcus, Sven Grundmann, Anmiro, Spotmatik, freeonestock, EpicStockMedia, dualstock, sauletas, HDstockfootage, germanskydive110, pressmaster, ProMotion, soraphotography, Spotmatik, bubblegun, filo, boscorelli, occeii, vagoon, Noel Powell,  R.P. Visual, lzhaev, 3Dsilver, bildlastig26, paradox, obstaki, dimid_by, Bryan, Train arrival, xnitrox, Bullet74, twistah, Ambeltrip, ProMotion, clipz, Aleksander Nordaas, daviddelossan, mtu1969, tottot, uberstock, Rido, storimages, hiciucatalin, kinomaster, pandawild, EV_Korobov, Jörn buchheim, omnispi, thescenelab, filipefrazao, rocketclips, Dash, AILA_IMAGES, dream_one, rubberball, googluz, Mamba 100, pressmaster, peefay, Sebastian Kaulitzki, nmcandre, lovevision, The Factory, ciegphoto2, 3Dmentat,vjtar,bunch_bundle,dan talson,helivideo, RadoslawMaciejewski, kerenby, lotus_studio, Dina,lexaarts, Grecaud Paul, verybigalex, ymgerman, denisgo, Sebastian Kaulitzki, kreativorks, Tatianja Shepeleva, moovingmoods.

Dentaurum. Quality. Worldwide. Unique.


Order platform

Available products:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • prime4me® Model printing
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R

A la tienda en línea

Plataforma de pedido:

Productos disponibles:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • Impresión de modelos prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R



Plateforme de commande

Produits disponibles :

  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R