tomas® TAD Conference 2024

Contenido del curso

Are you looking for an enriching weekend to advance your orthodontic expertise? Make sure to attend the annual tomas® TAD Conference by Dentaurum. It is known as a leading event, focusing on orthodontic temporary anchorage devices.

This two-day conference on November 8th and 9th offers a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge of TADs, collaborate with fellow orthodontic professionals, and enjoy the exceptional amenities of the Four Seasons Las Vegas.

Friday, November 8th, 2024

08:00 am



09:00 am

Theoretical Foundation for Great Practice
Dr. Sebastian Baumgaertel


Theoretical Foundation for Great Practice

This lecture will review the theory behind successful TAD practice.

10:30 am

Coffee break


11:00 am

TAD Biomechanics
Dr. Sebastian Baumgaertel


TAD Biomechanics

No other orthodontic miniscrew offers the versatility that Dentaurum’s tomas® Pin presents. In this lecture you will learn what options are available to you and how to best utilize them to the benefit of your patients.

12:30 pm



01:30 pm

tomas® Case Discussions Part 1
Dr. Sebastian Baumgaertel 


tomas® Case Discussions Part 1

A presentation of orthodontic cases treated with the tomas® Pin. This lecture will draw from material presented in the previous lecture and highlight successful outcomes with the tomas® Pin, but also failures and limitations of skeletal anchorage.

03:00 pm

Coffee break


03.30 pm

Tinkering with TADs!
Unique Mechanics with TADs to Achieve Complex Clinical Results

Dr. Joseph S. Petrey


Tinkering with TADs!
Unique Mechanics with TADs to Achieve Complex Clinical Results

As dentists and orthodontists, we are inherently tinkerers. Since the inception of TAD mechanics, orthodontists have been tinkering with skeletal anchorage to achieve results not attainable with orthodontic therapy alone, or to achieve more efficient treatment than with only brackets and wires. As TAD technique armamentarium has expanded, the complexities of cases that can be treated and cases treatable without orthographic surgery have dramatically increased. This lecture will introduce attendees to a tinkerer’s handbook of unique TAD mechanics to treat extremely challenging cases.

The use of skeletal anchorage for open bite correction, the correction of severe crossbites in non-growing patients and difficult Class II and Class III mechanics with TADs will be presented. Techniques for correcting cases previously only fully treatable with orthographic surgery will be demonstrated. Techniques for palatal expansion with bone-borne skeletal expanders and their benefits will also be presented. Comparisons of skeletal only palatal expanders and tooth borne TAD expanders will be shown. Results and long-term outcomes of surgical treatment and relapse and TAD treatment and relapse will also be compared.
Retention modalities including techniques for using TADs with retainers to maintain open bite correction will also be shown.

The outcome of this lecture will be to not only show very unique treatments of challenging cases, but also work to inspire attendees to tinker with TAD treatment modalities to improve the outcomes of complex cases.

06:00 pm

Social Reception


Saturday, November 9th, 2024

08:00 am



09:00 am

MARPE with the tomas® Eyelet
Dr. Sebastian Baumgaertel


10:30 am

Coffee break


11:00 am

tomas® Case Discussions Part 2 and Review
Dr. Sebastian Baumgaertel


tomas® Case Discussions Part 2 and Review

In this lecture, Dr. Baumgaertel will present more of his clinical cases treated with the tomas Pin. In addition, he will share some cases that were submitted by participants of his 12 month TADchallenge Mentorship program. As a group, you will understand how to treatment plan these cases and implement the concepts learned during your weekend at TADCON. This very clinical part of Dr. Baumgaertel’s presentation will serve as a review of the subject matter using concrete clinical examples.

12:30 pm



01:00 pm

Temporary Teeth & TADs: TADs with Pontics in Growing Patients
Dr. Joseph S. Petrey


Temporary Teeth & TADs: TADs with Pontics in Growing Patients

The management of orthodontic treatment and retention of patients with missing teeth is one of the more complex modalities in orthodontics. This is exacerbated when treating and managing retention in growing patients waiting on cessation of growth prior to the placement of endosseous implants. When in the anterior segment, this is especially challenging. Techniques for the use of TADs and pontics to maintain space for future implants both during treatment and in retention will be presented. Case selection, appropriate TAD placement protocols and location, crown fabrication, & long-term management will be discussed. Bone biology in future implant sites and the management of bone and implant sites will be shown. Aspects such as changes during growth will also be discussed. New techniques integrating digital technologies in crown fabrication and TAD site selection will also be demonstrated. Treatment for both congenitally missing teeth as well as traumatically avulsed teeth will be presented.  Success rates and clinical guidelines from 15 years of TADs with Pontic teeth placed by the presenter will be shown.    

03:00 pm

Coffee break


03:30 pm

Panel Discussion
Dr. Sebastian Baumgaertel


05:00 pm

Conclusion of the 2024 tomas® TAD Conference.

Duración del curso

2 Days


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Order platform

Available products:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • prime4me® Model printing
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R

A la tienda en línea

Plataforma de pedido:

Productos disponibles:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • Impresión de modelos prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R



Plateforme de commande

Produits disponibles :

  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R