Press service IDS 2023

prime4me® Aligner

Orthodontic aligner therapy from Dentaurum

Released: 27.02.2023

prime4me® Aligner

The transparent aligners extend Dentaurum's diverse orthodontic product portfolio to include an option for orthodontic treatment that is aesthetic and almost invisible.

OnyxCeph3TM is used for digital treatment planning in close coordination with the orthodontist. For planning, either digital scan data can be uploaded or plaster models can be sent to Dentaurum. After receipt of the order, a treatment proposal is available for release on Dentaurum Digital, the innovative order platform for customer-specific products and services. A detailed report indicates which of the three treatment packages (smart, advanced or performance) is suitable for the patient. In addition, individual steps of the tooth repositioning can be displayed in the browser-based OnyxCeph3TM 3D Viewer. Our experienced team can take any requested changes to the case planning into account. After validation by the orthodontist on the order platform, the aligners are fabricated and sent to the dental practice.

Innovative 2 splint concept for the best treatment results.
Two foil thicknesses are used per treatment step in order to optimally transfer the movements and forces to the teeth. The soft and hard aligners are changed weekly, enabling gentle alignment. prime4me® Aligner can be used to treat many different types of tooth misalignment.

When delivered to the dental practice, the version smart contains all of the aligners and the necessary information for the patient. With the treatment packages advanced and performance, intermediate check-ups with intra-oral scans or model scans are planned to monitor progress. Treatment planning can be modified if required. Aligners are adjusted to the current situation, then produced and sent to the dental practice. This target-oriented aligner production saves resources and protects the environment.

It is possible to order prime4me® Aligner via Dentaurum Digital,* The online platform is intuitive and easy to use: the status of all open and completed orders can be seen at a glance. Online order-related communication with experienced support employees is available via the order platform.

For more information, go to

* Availability may vary depending on the country and its legal provisions. Please ask your local representative or contact


More information:
GmbH & Co. KG
Turnstr. 31, 75228 Ispringen
Tel.  +49 7231 / 803-0
Fax: +49 7231 / 803-295

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