Literature overview implantology

Alongside safety in clinical application, a modern implant system provides scientific documentation which covers essential aspects. Users can therefore rely on a product system that has been carefully designed and tried and tested in its practical application. It is safe and efficient.

This literature overview provides a systematic presentation of scientific publications on the tioLogic® and Tiolox® implant systems. A large number of studies prove the long-term success of these products. Different treatment approaches and field reports on these implant systems are presented in brief content summaries of the relevant publication (incl. publication source in specialist journals or the name of the publisher in question).  

Each publication is subject to copyright protection and may only be used, beyond the legally defined limits, with the consent of the respective authors and publishers. Please understand therefore that, for legal reasons, we are not permitted to disclose these publications in full text. Please contact the publisher indicated in case a contribution is not freely accessible in the specialist literature.  

Take a look at the scientific documentation for Tiolox® and all tioLogic® implants – if you have any queries, please contact us.



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  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
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