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Nacera® Pearl Shaded 16+2

Highly translucent, homogeneously colored zirconium oxide in 18 shades.

Colored, highly translucent zirconium oxide in 16 V-Classic colors and two bleach colors. Nacera® Pearl, completed with stains and glazing material or by using minimal stratification, provides a quality foundation for monolithic restorations with a natural look.

Nacera® Pearl Shaded blanks are available immediately in 16 + 2 new colors analogous to the V-Classic color system. They form the basis for reduced frameworks with minimal stratification. Highly aesthetic results can easily be achieved due to the high shade stability and the minimal effort needed to achieve the required individualization.

Advantages & indications

  • Easy and precise reproduction of the 16 V-classic shades and two bleach shades.
  • For multiple indications – highly stable while highly translucent, meeting all demands.
  • Shade and process stability thanks to homogeneous coloring, ensuring consistent color results – even after re-grinding the framework.
  • Economic solution, as coloring liquids are used and the dipping process is no longer necessary.
  • Excellent machinability without fracturing or chipping – burs last up to 15 % longer.
  • Delivers flawless monolithic restorations with natural aesthetic results.


  • Flexural strength (DIN EN ISO 13485:2015): 1200 MPa.
  • Standard 98: Nacera Pearl Shaded A1-D4 & 2 Bleach Shades: thickness 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 25 mm.

Can be combined with

  • Nacera® Classic Liquid.
  • Nacera® Blue X.
  • ceraMotion® One Touch.
  • ceraMotion® Zr.
  • Nacera® Shine Zr.


* Nacera® is a registered trademark of Doceram Medical GmbH, Germany

Dentaurum. Quality. Worldwide. Unique.



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Order platform

Available products:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • prime4me® Model printing
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R

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Plataforma de pedido:

Productos disponibles:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • Impresión de modelos prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R



Plateforme de commande

Produits disponibles :

  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R