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Nacera Pearl Multi-Shade

Ø 98.3 mm

To achieve the most popular tooth colours, the multi-shade blanks are available in four V-shades* A, B, C and D. They are very easy to use: depending on the height position of the crown, the colors A3, A2 or A1 can be achieved in an A-blank from bottom to top. The same is true for the other shades.

Thus you have an efficient and ergonomic multi-layer system with which almost all V-shades* can be achieved with only four different blanks. Shade guide: Multi-Shade.

Advantages & indications

  • Highly translucent "multi-layered zirconia" system with a natural look.
  • Natural and smooth shade transitions from cervical to incisal.
  • Extremely efficient - one blank covers three shades.
  • Quick and economical for natural-looking monolithic restorations.
  • Excellent machinability without fracturing or chipping.
  • Perfect fit - precise sintering shrinkage in all spatial axes at 1400 MPa.
  • Restorations up to 14 units.


  • Flexural strength 1200 MPa (4 point).
  • Standard 98: thickness 14, 18 and 22 mm.

Can be combined with

  • Nacera® Classic Liquid.
  • Nacera® Blue X.
  • ceraMotion® One Touch.
  • ceraMotion® Zr.
  • Nacera® Shine Zr.

* Nacera® is a registered trademark of Doceram Medical GmbH, Germany

Dentaurum. Quality. Worldwide. Unique.



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Available products:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • prime4me® Model printing
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R

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Plataforma de pedido:

Productos disponibles:

  • prime4me® Aligner
  • Impresión de modelos prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R



Plateforme de commande

Produits disponibles :

  • prime4m Aligner
  • Impression de modèles prime4me®
  • prime4me® RETAIN3R